Are you a kZN member?

Add nutrition to your fitness plan for an additional fee!

If you are already a member of the Fitness Program and are looking to get the complete KZN experience then you do not want to miss our Nutrition Program.

Get started

Improvements are 100% guaranteed

With KZN Nutrition, everybody is evaluated at an individual level to guarantee a high level dieting and nutrition system that goes hand in hand with your body and daily lifestyle.

Nutritionist evaluation
Individual meal plan
Nutrition workshops
Direct chat with dietitian

How It Works

Follow these easy steps and start your fitness journey with KZN Nutrition today.

Sign Up to the fitness application dedicated for workouts and nutrition.

Sign Up

Pay a $20 monthly subscription fee to get access to your KZN Fitness Program.

Pay Subscription

Send us a direct chat to get started with your customized nutrition program for an additional fee.

Add Nutrition Program

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